From a Corner of Somewhere

ユーラシアを北から南まで旅した記録 日本語と英語で書いてます。 Traveling From the North to the South of Eurasia


No.8 Giraffes in Saint Petersburg

When I was a primary school student, I was often confused about Russia and Germany. That was probably because I hardly understood not only the conflict between East and West Germany but also the cold war between USA and the Soviet Union. T…

No.8 サンクトペテルブルグのキリン


No.7 ”Guns, Germs and Steel, and a Strawberry Sponge Cake”

It takes 7days to go Moscow from Vladivostok by Siberian railroad even if you don’t get off any stations. It’s very hard to take it for 7 consecutive days, so I got off at Irkutsk and Omsk station. Of course I had to stay in the train for …

No.7 銃・病原菌・鉄、あとショートケーキ。


No.6 the Siberian Ground and the Great Mother

I was looking at the blue of Japan sea shone with summer sun from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk, and the Siberian ground were being reflected on the train window after the area. Only white birch and glass lands spread between town and town. wh…

No.6 シベリアの大地と偉大なる母


No.5 on the Siberian Railroad Heading for the West

I took a 3rd class train of the Siberian Railroad from Vladivostok to Irkutsk, one of the biggest cities situated in the center of Russia. Different from the 1st class decorated with luxurious furniture and the 2nd class that lots of compa…

No.5 シベリア鉄道で西へ


No.4 at the End of the East

When I was a kid, I was often watching the TV program, “Special Mission Research 200X” The contents of the program conducs researches about paranormal phenomena and mysterious incidents to uncover their secrets and go into a new world. I h…

No.4 東の果てより


No.3 Looking Back on My Life towards the Future

This ferry is operated by Korean company and most of the passengers are Korean. In addition, restaurants and many goods in shops are Korean style. Although this ferry was still sailing in the territorial waters in Japan, I felt as if I was…

No.3 明日に向かって振り返る


No.2 Dropping in and Going around

I arrived at the ferry terminal of Sakaiminato before sunset. The ferry departing here sails to Donghae, Korea and Vladivostok, Russia. There used to be the other passenger ships from Yokohama, Niigata, and Toyama, Japan to some Russian ci…

No.2 道々、寄り道、回り道。


No.1 Going on a Straight Railroad or a Winding Road

Where would I go if I took long holidays? If they were 1 week, I could visit Canary islands and see dragon’s blood tree. 2 weeks, could go to some villages which have Tibetan cultures located in the northern part of India. 3 weeks, could g…

No.1 真っ直ぐな線路と曲がりくねった道
